Friday, November 20, 2009

Did you name your pet after a Twilight character?

I have a cat named Jasper Hale. I was wondering if anyone else has named their pets after twilight characters? Also- what did you think of the Twilight movie?

Did you name your pet after a Twilight character?
What haven't I named after Twilight characters????!!!!

I have some hermit crabs called Edward, Bella and Alice!!!!!

Bella Swan!!
Reply:Hmm...I already have a name for my cat, but if I were to get another cat, I'd either name it Charlie/Eddie or Bella (depending on the gender).

I thought the movie was OKAAY...I'd rate it a 7/10. I thought they shortened some important scenes: the forest scene and the part when Edward explains to Bella that he composed a lullaby to her. In the movie, they didn't even mention that the piano song was written by Edward...I could go on and on, lol. But also, Edward was awkward in the film--in the books, he was confident and suave...I don't know. Transitions between scenes were rough too...but the soundtrack fit well!
Reply:I named my fish after the Twilight characters!

I had two angelfish called Edward and Bella, then Bella died :(

I have four neon tetras called Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie and Alice :)

Two guppies called Carlisle and Esme :)

And a catfish called Mike :D

Obsessed am I?? :)

Reply:Jasper is a great name for a cat!

Next pet I get I will name him/her/it after a Twilight character. Either Edward or Bella %26lt;3
Reply:Right after reading the books, I bought a blood red beta fish and named him Edward :)
Reply:Team Jasper! :]

I started calling my dog Edward after I saw the movie lols.

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