Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What is the greatest pet name you've ever heard?

My neighbors have a cat named....(the main Bond Girl in "Goldfinger")...how do I type it? Oh I know.......*Pu搂搂y Galore*

What is the greatest pet name you've ever heard?
I went to college with a guy who named his German shepherd "Kotex the Barbarian". Seriously.
Reply:i had Miss Kitty. My wife had Mr.Puss when she was younger and he was mean as hell. top it off, he looked like Church, the cat in pet cemetary.
Reply:It was a huge mastiff and his owner always had him with him while he worked at a mechanic shop..... so they named him Bumper... I loved it
Reply:I had a rat named Ben. and grew up with a siamese cat named Ming Purr.
Reply:Sir Barksalot....
Reply:Brutus. (It was for a Yorkie)


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